Wednesday, 8 July 2015

8 Things You Must Avoid At An Interview

Interview sessions are supposed to be occasions for prospective employees to showcase their skills and why they deserve to be employed, however, for most job seekers this opportunity is usually flunked because many candidates inadvertently shoot themselves in the leg by doing what they are not supposed to do or otherwise.

So, what are some things you must avoid at an interview? We will look at 8 of such things to avoid in order for you to ace your next interview session.

1. Dressing wrongly

Experts say that 65% decisions are made about you based on how you dress and appear. Interviews are formal occasions and you must dress formally and look like someone who means business. Though ‘formality’ does not necessarily mean wearing shirt, tie and suit; but it does mean looking smart and fit for the job or position you are applying for. So the next time you attend an interview, make sure you look like you mean business.

2. Not well groomed

True, your dressing is part of grooming, but it is much more than dressing. It encompasses your total outward look. As a male, your hair needs to be well cut and trimmed. As a lady, you shouldn’t wear a multi-colour hair for interviews. Also watch out on your colour combinations, there mustn’t be any riot. As much as possible, keep your colour combinations within 2 colours, but not more than 3 at the maximum. A simple Google search for ideas on colour combinations can help.

3. Arriving late for interview

This will definitely score you low. If you arrive late for interview, it will be assumed that you don’t have regard for time and that is how you will be coming late for work should you be employed. Make sure you take time to know where your interview will take place before the day. Arrange everything you will need at least a day prior to the interview day. If need be, set alarm so you can wake up early and finish on time to leave the house. You don’t want to take chances if you leave in a place like Lagos where traffic hitch is the order of the day.

4. Lying

It is common practice for some people to lie about quite a number of things during interview so they could secure the job. But it is better to remain on the side of honour and integrity and miss the job than to lie and get it, because sooner or later the wind may blow and your lies would be found out. And then you would be sacked for lying and deceiving your employer. If you do not meet the age or qualification requirement, then don’t apply and if you do, just tell them the truth about what you truly possess, that may even be the reason they will employ you.

5. Slanting your current boss or employer

No matter where you work, you will always come across people who step on your toes. People can do things that are even unethical and sometimes, they can really get on your nerves. But mal-aligning those during an interview will be your ‘Achilles hills’. Unwittingly, you are sending a signal to this prospective employer that you will do the same to them should you want to leave their company. Watch it!

6. Not knowing some basic information about the company

How can you claim to want to work for an organisation and you know nothing about them? It is almost certain that one of the questions you would be asked during an interview is, “What do you know about this company?” And if you say you don’t know anything about the company, then you are not qualified to work there. Visit their website if they have one. Read about them, when it was established, what landmark achievements they have, and their current staff strength. Get to know their vision/mission statements and core values. These are things that show you really have interest in the company.

7. Being too nervous or too confident

The two are alike working in opposite directions. Being too nervous shows lack of confidence and being too confident shows a sign of arrogance. You need to create a balance by being cool headed. Answer questions simply without over embellishing. And also being too confident may seem you are not a team player; someone who might be bossing everyone around without listening to others’ opinions.

8. Being rude

It is likely that in some instances there will be people in the interview panel you are older than or more qualified than. However, that is not a reason to be rude to them. At this point, your age and qualification don’t matter. What matters is to be humble and respectfully respond to questions posed to you. If you find yourself being rude, apologise politely and move on. Also do not get too close with members of the panel. Just be polite and friendly.

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